Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spring's Slow Awakening

Though much of this prolonged winter has been spent travelling back home and hibernating in the studio
creating initial models for a new series. There are several opportunities to view the work in the
coming weeks.

Galerie Werner Pittsburgh will be showing several works from 2009 in a series of exhibits that
include collaborations with Spanierman Gallery , New York. I am both thriled and flattered that these
paintings are nestled alongside arists who created paintings in the early part of the 20th century and were
carried by the strong and vital current of Abstract Expressionism and Constructivism.

On view through March 30th

Galerie Werner
44 Beaver Street,
Sewickley, PA 15143-1218

Within a more decorative setting Eve Kelly Herman has selected several works spanning a three year period
as part of her Mid Century Collection at Highland Park 20

On view through March 30th

222 East 44th Street
New York, NY 10017
Monday-Friday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Still a few days left to view " Sum of Parts:" a painting created for Sylvester & Co's " Best of 2009 "

Sylvester & Co
154 Main Street Amagansett
NY 11930 | 631 267 9777

Affordable Art Fair Bruxelles was a huge success with an overwhelming response to the Spatial Works.
A big thank you to with Aline Herschberg
of ArlevArt Paris

Look forward to seeing you March 6th.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Highline Open Studios

Studios and Galleries will be open noon to 6pm Sat and Sun and there's a PDF map available on the Highline site James Kennedy studio

Highline Open Studios

Studios and Galleries will be open noon to 6pm Sat and Sun and there's a PDF map available on the Highline site James Kennedy studio

James Kennedy

James Kennedy was born in Northern Ireland and has been resident in the United States since 2003.He studied at the Royal Scottish Academy, Rhodec Academy, and the London School of Contemporary Dance.Much of my early work deals with the power and presence held within a horizon.Representational objects rarely appearing, but rather kinetic suggestions, incidents, weather - systems held within the “Moosdcapes “ , most of which involved oil glazing techniques where multiple layers of media would build the atmospheric substrates toward completion.In the early to late nineties the smooth, ominous layers of oil gave way to his fascination and experimentation with texture, resulting in large scale paintings containing a diverse range of alchemic reactions, mainly acrylic and wax builds with oil washes - visceral episodes on wooden panels.It was on a visit to London at the dawn of the millennium when I discovered an exhibit of Russian -Constructivists at the Royal Academy. My love of drawing and fascination with color proximities was immediately rekindled, and the long process toward creating the Spatial series began. The paintings are a rare combination of control and spontaneity, The serendipitous background washes essentially form the depth and architecture of each piece, the choreography of line and color follows.The folios featured on this site illustrate a progression in artistic process spanning ten years.